Barbara becomes a priestess? Ian is a warrior? Come see how that happens...
A Doctor A Day 020 - The Keys of Marinus, part 6
The final episode! Find out what happens to Ian!
A Doctor A Day 019 - The Keys of Marinus, part 5
It's CSI: Gallifrey! The Doctor is in court in this episode. Thank you for listening!
A Doctor A Day 018 - The Keys of Marinus, part 4
A very slow episode, we definitely feel the lack of the Doctor. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 017 - The Keys of Marinus, part 3
Hear us chat about the search for the second Key!
A Doctor A Day 016 - The Keys of Marinus, part 2
A quick episode about a fast-moving story. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 015 - The Keys of Marinus, part 1
Part one of the Keys of Marinus is the episode of the day. If you hear a hum in the background, it's probably a portable heater we had running. We came home to discover that our heat pump was no longer working, and the house is freezing!
A Doctor A Day 014 - Marco Polo (reconstruction)
This was a rough one. Listen to find out why!
A Doctor A Day 013 - The Edge of Destruction, part 2
The final part of the Edge of Destruction! Will the crew survive? (Spoilers: Yes) Enjoy!
A Doctor A Day 012 - The Edge of Destruction, part 1
We talk about the first part of the only story to feature only the Doctor and his companions. Thank you for listening!
A Doctor A Day 011 - The Daleks, part 7
The final battle with the Daleks has happened, and we talk about it. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 010 - The Daleks, part 6
We're rushing headlong into the final episode, so much so that this episode ends in an ACTUAL cliffhanger! Sorry about so much cat noise in this one, we're still working out our methods. I hope you enjoy it anyway, and thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 009 - The Daleks, part 5
I apologize in advance for all the jingling noises coming from the collar of one of our cats. I cut out as much as I could. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 008 - The Daleks, part 4
Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 007 - The Daleks, part 3
Part 3! We finally meet the Thals! Why wasn't that the cliffhanger for part 2? These questions and more are discussed on this episode.
A Doctor A Day 006 - The Daleks, part 2
Kicking off our second week of shows, we continue to work our way through The Daleks, with the second episode. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 005 - The Daleks, part 1
It's our first episode with the new microphone! Today, we discuss the first episode of The Daleks, the first science fiction episode. and also the episode that introduces the Daleks (sort of).
A Doctor A Day 004 - An Unearthly Child, part 4
The final part to An Unearthly Child. And onward to the Daleks! Thank you for listening!
A Doctor A Day 003 - An Unearthly Child, part 3
We're in the home stretch! Lots of cat noise I couldn't get rid of, but hopefully it's not too intrusive. New microphone is coming, I promise!
A Doctor A Day 002 - An Unearthly Child, part 2
Today we discuss the second part of the first Doctor Who story, An Unearthly Child. Two down, two to go!