The episode that wasn't supposed to be! A fill-in episode starts off this new serial, one which isn't high on my list of stories as it was.
A Doctor A Day 100 - The Dominators, part 5
Our first view of the sonic screwdriver! And our 100th episode! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 099 - The Dominators, part 4
A weird episode that acts as a transition between one set of writers and the next, and we viewers pay the price.
A Doctor A Day 098 - The Dominators, part 3
We begin and end with the destruction of a building by the Quarks. All that plus an extended sequence of the Doctor and Jamie sitting in a travel pod are the highlights of this episode, such as they are.
A Doctor A Day 097 - The Dominators, part 2
The Doctor and Jamie get an intelligence test...and fail? What's going on here?
A Doctor A Day 096 - The Dominators, part 1
Our first episode with Zoe! Another bad robot with an indecipherable voice! All this and more!
A Doctor A Day 095 - Tomb of the Cybermen, part 4
What will be the fate of the Cybermen? Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 094 - Tomb of the Cybermen, part 3
Attack of the Cybermats! And the plan of the Cybermen is explained...kinda. Oh well, it was still a fun episode!
A Doctor A Day 093 - Tomb of the Cybermen, part 2
The secret of the tomb is revealed (as if it weren't obvious from the title). Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 092 - Tomb of the Cybermen, part 1
The first part of the formerly-lost story, and it's a good one! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 091 - The Moonbase, part 4
The last part of our first Second Doctor story, and our first Cyberman story. If it sounds funny at the end of the recap, that's because just as Ginger was saying "That's our cliffhanger" one of our cats, who was sleeping on the back of my recliner, rolled off the back and onto my head and neck, and we were trying not to laugh too obviously. :) Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 090 - The Moonbase, part 3
The Cyberman speaks! The Doctor, not so much. The is our last audio-only episode, but it was still pretty easy to follow. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 089 - The Moonbase, part 2
Jamie's Phantom Piper turns out to be a Cyberman. And what's this story's connection to Fawlty Towers? Listen to find out!
A Doctor A Day 088 - The Moonbase, part 1
Our first Second Doctor episode...but it's audio only. And it wasn't as short as we thought. We throw in some discussion of the first regeneration for good measure. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 087 - Reign of Terror, part 6
Our last First Doctor's the end of an era. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 086 - Reign of Terror, part 5
Wow, this train just keeps rolling! Another fast-paced episode. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 085 - Reign of Terror, part 4
Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 084 - Reign of Terror, part 3
Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 083 - Reign of Terror, part 2
Week 1 of Ian's vacation, and it shows. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 082 - Reign of Terror, part 1
RETRO REVIEW! The Doctor arrives during the French Revolution. This one fell right after the Sensorites. Thanks for listening!