Sorry for the quality of this one. Besides not having much to say about the episode, we are dealing with a death in the family. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 140 - Doctor Who and the Silurians, part 3
The Silurian stands revealed! Finally, the "monster vision" makes sense!
A Doctor A Day 139 - Doctor Who and the Silurians, part 2
Nope, the second viewing of the "dinosaur" hasn't improved it!
A Doctor A Day 138 - Doctor Who and the Silurians, part 1
The intro of Bessie and a bad monster design! Don't let that stop you from listening, though!
A Doctor A Day 137 - Spearhead from Space, part 4
The final episode of Jon Pertwee's first story is finally here. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 136 - Spearhead from Space, part 3
The Doctor gets his key back, but will it do him any good? Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 135 - Spearhead from Space, part 2
The Autons are a plastic doll factory? Listen and find out what's going on!
A Doctor A Day 134 - Spearhead from Space, part 1
New Doctor, new look, new status quo! Sorry about all the coughing, but Ginger got a frog in throat and couldn't get rid of it.
A Doctor A Day 133 - The War Games, part 10
This is it! Patrick Troughton's last episode! He's had a great run, and we decide to talk about it for a bit.
A Doctor A Day 132 - The War Games, part 9
Patrick Troughton's penultimate episode! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 131 - The War Games, part 8
We learn a bit more about the Doctor, and the rebels fight back! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 130 - The War Games, part 7
We are finally introduced to the War Lord, and the travel boxes are finally named (SIDRAT)!
A Doctor A Day 129 - The War Games, part 6
The Doctor's race stands revealed! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 128 - The War Games, part 5
Still no sign of the War Lord, but we do get to see a fight between the War Chief and his Security Chief!
A Doctor A Day 127 - The War Games, part 4
How can people move between the mists? And what's with that significant look between the Doctor and the War Chief?
A Doctor A Day 126 - The War Games, part 3
The mystery of the mists clears a bit, and we are introduced to the War Chief. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 125 - The War Games, part 2
What's up with the fog? And what's that cabinet in the General's office?
A Doctor A Day 124 - The War Games, part 1
The first episode of Patrick Troughton's final story, and it's a good one!
A Doctor A Day 123 - The Seeds of Death, part 6
The final episode of this tedious story. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 122 - The Seeds of Death, part 5
The Doctor is back from holiday, and he's brought new sideburns with him.