A filler episode with a bunch of scenes where the director is experimenting...never a good thing. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 180 - The Daemons, part 2
This episode is all about UNIT at home. Oh, and a living gargoyle.
A Doctor A Day 179 - The Daemons, part 1
Witchcraft in Doctor Who? Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 178 - Colony in Space, part 6
Yes, I say this is episode 177...Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 177 - Colony in Space, part 5
Not one but two gunfights, and Jo trips the light (beam) fantastic!
A Doctor A Day 176 - Colony in Space, part 4
Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 175 - Colony in Space, part 3
Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 174 - Colony in Space, part 2
Two words...Jazz Claws!
A Doctor A Day 173 - Colony in Space, part 1
What is up with the Doctor and Jo? They seem like totally different people!
A Doctor A Day 172 - The Claws of Axos, part 4
How will the Doctor and the Master save the day?
A Doctor A Day 171 - The Claws of Axos, part 3
The Master: Change of heart, or simply revenge? Plus we ramble (again) about watching Doctor Who on our local PBS stations.
A Doctor A Day 170 - The Claws of Axos, part 2
Rastamonster gets a sluggy companion! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 169 - The Claws of Axos, part 1
An alien invasion? The aliens are now coming to the Doctor since he can't go to them, I guess. Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 168 - The Mind of Evil, part 6
The predictable conclusion to the episode...thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 167 - The Mind of Evil, part 5
The Doctor and the Master team up? And Benton is concerned for Yates? What is the world coming to?!?
A Doctor A Day 166 - The Mind of Evil, part 4
The Master saving the Doctor? And Yates is invulnerable? Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 165 - The Mind of Evil, part 3
Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 164 - The Mind of Evil, part 2
The return of the Master! Thanks for listening!
A Doctor A Day 163 - The Mind of Evil, part 1
What do you get when you cross a canister vacuum with a stand hair dryer? The sucker of evil that is the focus of this episode!
A Doctor A Day 162 - Terror of the Autons, part 4
The final part to the Master's first story. Thanks for listening!