The Master saves the Doctor, then "convinces" the warden to allow him to take the Doctor and Jo. Unfortunately, this is the fourth episode of the story, and you know what that means!
A Doctor A Day 220 - Frontier in Space, part 3
The villain stands revealed.
A Doctor A Day 219 - Frontier in Space, part 2
The Doctor spends too much time in this one go to or from his cell.
A Doctor A Day 218 - Frontier in Space, part 1
Doctor Who in the 26th Century?
A Doctor A Day 217 - Carnival of Monsters, part 4
The Doctor has escaped the miniscope, so why does he want to go back in?
A Doctor A Day 216 - Carnival of Monsters, part 3
The Doctor and Jo face down the Drashigs, and Kalik makes plans.
A Doctor A Day 215 - Carnival of Monsters, part 2
We find out the secret of the S.S. Bernice, and what's up with the Drashigs? Once again, I apologize if I missed any coughs!
A Doctor A Day 214 - Carnival of Monsters, part 1
Who are those carney folk? And what's up with the S.S. Bernice? Also, I'm sorry in advance for any coughs I missed.
A Doctor A Day 213 - The Three Doctors, part 4
We finally find out what's the deal with the Doctor's recorder, and what happens to Omega. Sorry in advance if I missed editing out any coughs!
A Doctor A Day 212 - The Three Doctors, part 3
The Doctor(s) meet the adversary on the other side of the black hole, and eventually they wrestle. Oh, if only I were kidding.
A Doctor A Day 211 - The Three Doctors, part 2
With one Doctor stuck in a time eddy, another stuck in the TARDIS, and the third in the black hole, will they solve the mystery of the gellguards?
A Doctor A Day 210 - The Three Doctors, part 1
It's the Doctor! And the Doctor! And the Doctor!
A Doctor A Day 209 - The Time Monster, part 6
Will the Doctor defeat the Master? And what about poor Baby Benton?
A Doctor A Day 208 - The Time Monster, part 5
The Doctor chases the Master to Atlantis, and Jo faces the Queen.
A Doctor A Day 207 - The Time Monster, part 4
Time ram! Moebius strip TARDISes!
A Doctor A Day 206 - The Time Monster, part 3
The Master manages to call forth Kronos, but will he be able to control it?
A Doctor A Day 205 - The Time Monster, part 2
The Master's plan stands revealed, and the Brigadier takes charge.
A Doctor A Day 204 - The Time Monster, part 1
Today's villain is Professor Thascalos, and if you know Greek, you know that he's not who he seems to be.
A Doctor A Day 203 - The Mutants, part 6
The Investigator arrives and the Doctor puts the kibosh to the Marshal's plans.
A Doctor A Day 202 - The Mutants, part 5
The Doctor and Jo are reunited, at least for a bit.